
zenoplaceWho will be joining us at the Zeno Supper Club? You never know who could drop in on us. In September we’ll be filming our nightly antics and putting them on the web for all to check out. Not only will our guests learn Lee Anne secrets, but anyone cruising the web will get a taste of the action.

September 8 — Beerfest
Action sports athletes are always on a beer budget so we are going to whip up a few good things with Stone Brewing Co. beer in their honor! Guests: (skaters) Brayden Szafranski, Gareth Stehr, Tara Dakides, Kassia Meador (surfer), Chanelle Sladics (snowboarder)

September 9 — Art & Wine
Artists are always having gallery openings and what better way to inspire people to purchase their works with tasty wine and appetizers. Visual artist guests: Jess Sluder, Denis Thomopoulos

September 10 — Rock n’ Makers
Life’s a party when your in the band so we’re going to celebrate our love of tunes with some good food and water it down with Maker’s Mark. Musicians: Brian O’Connor (Eagles of Death Metal), John Theodore and Zach De La Rocha   (One Day as a Lion). Others TBD.