Oatmeal pancakes with Buttered White Peaches

Oatmeal pancakes with Buttered White Peaches

Let me share something with you guys, I have a wicked sweet tooth.  Not wicked in the Boston way (like “wicked cool bro”) I’m talking about an evil, wake you up in the middle of the night, sweet tooth.

As I sat at my desk type – type -typing away all I could think about was those sweet, sweet, peaches I’d just acquired.  I was hungry, and I wanted a sweet dinner.  But, I also had just bought all of this healthful food, and was trying to keep it on the up and up.  I comprimised with myself by making these surprisingly healthy Oatmeal Pancakes with my fresh from the farmer’s market white peaches.

Continue reading ‘Breakfast for Dinner – Oatmeal Walnut Pancakes with Buttered Peaches’

Yellow Heirloom Tomato Salad

Yellow Heirloom Tomato Salad

An extremely hot sojourn to the WeHo farmer’s market left me exhausted and sweaty.  The last thing I wanted to think of was cooking.  But, I had a Plump Lillian’s Yellow Heirloom calling my name.

I dug out some sad looking romaine from the back of my crisper, and laid this delicious tomato on top w/ some fresh mozzarella and basil from my window garden. Top it with a drizzle of balsamic,  some Extra Virgin Olive Oil, fresh-cracked pepper, and Fleur De Sel — and Boom!  The perfect lunch for a steamy hot day. Its not rocket science, but some times simple is best.
